
RCF staff has high-level econometric expertise with experience in applications of econometric and statistical techniques to a variety of problems.  Techniques used range from standard to the most recent advanced techniques as called for by the problem at hand.

Input-Output Modeling

RCF uses advanced input-output models to forecast regional and national economic outcomes taking account of definition of economic base, sectorization and induced interactions between industries.  Sensitivity analyses for key parameters are carried out.

Financial Analyses

RCF assesses business profitability combining sophisticated cash flow modeling with analysis of the outlook for internal and external factors.

Benefit-Cost Analysis

RCF applies rigorous principles to evaluation of outcomes.  Attention is given to carefully present value analysis, distinctions between private and social valuations, identification of distributional impacts on different groups, and overall net effects.

Hedonic Estimation

RCF is a leader in applying hedonic regression to estimate factors affecting property values.


RCF staff is highly experienced in conducting scientific surveys including questionnaire design, sampling, and analysis of results.  Surveys are used to study household and industry behavior, as well as to apply travel cost methods, contingent valuation, and other revealed preference techniques.